pp108 : Properties of a Rule

Properties of a Rule

This topic describes the properties of a rule.

Rules are associated to a rule group and are triggered upon certain actions. They are fired based on their priorities and can be set as mutually exclusive or overrides and so on. These properties can be set through various tabs on this interface.
The following table describes the various fields on the Basic Properties to be assigned while creating a rule.

Table 1. Basic Properties




The current version of the rule. This value cannot be edited.

Rule Group

The rule group to which the rule belongs. While defining the rule on a rule group, this field is automatically filled.
Note: While defining rule on an object template or a schema fragment, drag the required rule group from the solution explorer onto the Rule Group text box.

Rule Type

Type of rule. You can select the following rule types from the list:

  • Constraint
  • Business
  • Passive
    For more information on the types of rules, refer to Types of Rules.

Effective From

The date from which the rule comes into effect. For more information on specifying the dates refer to Guidelines for Setting Effective and Expiry Dates.

Expires On

The date from which the rule is no longer effective. For more information on specifying the dates refer to Guidelines for Setting Effective and Expiry Dates


  • If you want the rule to trigger when an object is inserted, select Insert.
  • If you want the rule to trigger when an object is updated, select Update.
  • If you want the rule to trigger when an object is deleted, select Delete.

The following table describes the various fields on the Additional Properties tab, that can be set while creating a rule.

Table 2. Additional Properties




States the priority based on which the rule is executed.Let us consider the following:

  • For instance, when a schema fragment has 2 rules defined on it, the rule with highest priority is executed first.
  • Also considered is the priority of the rule group that has the rules. When rules of 2 different rule groups are to be triggered, the priority of the rule group will be considered first. The rule in the rule group with the highest priority is executed first.
  • Within a rule group, the priority of an individual rule is considered.
    Priority levels for a rule range from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest). The default value is 5.


Select this check box to enable the rule.


Name of the rule that should be executed after this rule is executed when you have to trigger a series of rules.
Note: Only rules of the same type are displayed in the list. For instance, if you intend to link a business rule, the list displays only the related business rules that can be triggered.

Rule Template

Name of the rule template this rule is based on.

Note: This is a Read-Only field and is only visible for the migrated rules that are already associated to a template rule.

  • For migrated rules, if a rule is already associated to a template rule, you cannot de-link or change the association to another template rule.
  • For new rules you cannot create association to a template rule.

The following table describes the various fields on the Namespaces tab.

Table 3. Namespaces




Contains the prefix of the elements in the input schema.


contains the namespaces of the elements in the input schema.


You can set a particular rule (source rule) to be mutually exclusive (mutex) to one or more rules. This way, if the source rule happens to trigger first, and the condition is satisfied, the mutex rule will not trigger. Likewise, if the rule that is set to be mutually exclusive happens to trigger first, the source rule will not trigger.

Click the Mutex tab and select the check boxes of one or more rules to be made mutually exclusive. For more information on Mutex rules, refer to Mutex.


You can set a rule to override another rule. This way, even if a rule is acting on an object, you can choose to override that rule with another rule.
Click the Overrides tab and select the checkboxes of one or more rules that you want to override. For more information on overrides, refer to Overrides.
Note: Ensure that you have created the required passive rules under the template which you are working on.